Like Smoking, Only Better

20140411-190944.jpg Attempting to recreate as much of the experience of real cigarettes as possible. Conversely, I've also seen e-cigarettes sold as aids to quit smoking, where the fidelity of the experience is probably much less important.

Another interesting aspect here is that they are disposable electronic devices (as disposable as anything electronic, I suppose). Much like "disposable" cameras, they contain non-biodegradable components, including a battery.

Opposites Attract

20140316-122656.jpg A rather disorderly bookstore in Chicago, Bookman's Corner, makes for some unlikely pairings.

"The Unwanted Gaze" on top of "The Art of Mingling"

Contact Form

[contact-form submit_button_text='Send Email »'][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Your Email Address' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Message' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]

What Not to Do

I just unsubscribed from an email list that had become irrelevant to me. The process was impressively long and convoluted. It was like so... At the bottom of the email was the following:

To unsubscribe from this list email to, you will be removed within 24 hours. Or click the link below for the DIY approach. community mailing list

The punctuation makes it difficult to read, and the option most likely to be used, click a link, is downplayed. Knowing what actually happens when you go down that road, I guess I'm not surprised.

So, I clicked the link, and rather than a simple confirmation, I was taken to an admin page with lots of information and options. Unable to immediately locate the unsubscribe section, I searched the page for “unsubscribe”. Down yonder way, I found an input field to enter my email address, but the associated button unexpectedly said “unsubscribe or edit options”.

So, I clicked the button, and it took me to a page with yet more options. There was a section labeled "unsubscribe" with a simple "unsubscribe" button about half way down. "Ah," I thought, "this has got to be it."

So, I clicked the button... and I was taken to another page that said to check my email for a confirmation link that I would need to follow to unsubscribe. Ugh.

So, I got the email. Granted, it did come immediately, but after all the previous steps, its contents added insult to injury. The email contained not one but three different options for unsubscribing, including the aforementioned link:

Mailing list removal confirmation notice for mailing list xcommunity

We have received a request from for the removal of your email address, "" from the mailing list. To confirm that you want to be removed from this mailing list, simply reply to this message, keeping the Subject: header intact. Or visit this web page:

Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a message to

confirm d36190b587de1f92

Note that simply sending a 'reply' to this message should work from most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the right form (additional "Re:" text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be removed from this list, please simply disregard this message. If you think you are being maliciously removed from the list, or have any other questions, send them to

Wow. So, I clicked the link. Alas, I had finally accomplished my goal. The page told me, finally, and in no uncertain terms, that I had been unsubscribed. I wept, picked myself back up, and resolved to never treat users so poorly.

Stop Gap

20140108-224944.jpg The combination of slick receipt paper and a glass countertop make it difficult to write with some pens.

Remote Connectivity

20140108-224023.jpg You can't flush toilet paper on Caye Caulker, but you can check your email over your morning coffee. How some things are demanded while others remain tolerable.

A Curious Trio

20140108-222627.jpg The Elevator, Boiler, & Amusement Ride Bureau makes for one hell of a business card. What was the original reason to put one group of people in charge of such a seemingly disparate group of things? And is that reason still relevant?


20140108-222107.jpg I can't find anything online about this, but I think Subway is using repetition to draw the eye and cause it to linger on their signs in the few moments motorists have to take stock of the roadside logos. I want to know if it's effective.


20131128-224410.jpg Uggs are popular enough to be called out specifically when this place probably offers cleaning services for shoes of all types of materials. The sign does double duty, alerting potential customers to the availability of shoe-cleaning services whether they own Uggs or not.


20131128-223919.jpg Balancing beautiful, built-in infrastructure with the expectation of obsolescence